Murkowski to podcaster: Voters should trust FBI decision to raid Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home - Must Read Alaska

2022-09-16 21:00:58 By : Mr. Hengge Y

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski appeared on an Anchorage podcast saying Alaska voters should not question the FBI’s decision to raid former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago.

Speaking on the With All Due Respect podcast with former state legislator and political ally Andrew Halcro, Murkowski said, “We are branding our law enforcement to the point where — are we trusting our law enforcement?” she rhetorically asked about the FBI’s raid. “Are we trusting those who are there to protect our citizenry?”

“I’m talking about people who, before they knew a single thing, before they knew what was coming out of the Mar-a-Lago, they had made a decision about whether or not the FBI was once again on a rampage to bring somebody down or whether or not, you know, Trump brought it upon himself,” she said.

Read: How the FBI obstructed its own investigation into Hillary Clinton private email servers

Murkowski failed to acknowledge that no former president has ever been raided by his political opponent in American history. Instead, she blamed many Republicans for condemning the FBI’s actions.

Murkowski also seemed to have forgotten the FBI’s sordid role in raiding Sen. Ted Stevens’ home in Girdwood. Stevens, an old man by then at 84, was indicted the next year in Washington, D.C. on seven counts of failing to properly report gifts from a VECO Corporation executive; the gifts pertained to renovations to his home that the executive, who was using the home, had failed to bill Stevens for.

In 2009, an FBI agent filed an affidavit saying that federal prosecutors and FBI agents had withheld and hidden exculpatory evidence. The agent said prosecutors sent a key witness back to Alaska because he did not “perform well” in a mock cross-examination, and hid a memo from oil executive Bill Allen in which Allen said that Stevens would have paid for the goods and services if billed. The affidavit also contended that a female FBI agent had an inappropriate relationship with Allen, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. Stevens was exonerated and the Justice Department prosecution was held in contempt by the judge for failing to turn over the documents that would have aided Stevens’ defense.

But Murkowski didn’t connect the dots on that gross misuse of federal agents that took down Stevens that year, nor did she appear to recall the Capitol Police/FBI breaking into the home of the Homer couple in search of Nancy Pelosi’s laptop in 2021.

Sen. Dan Sullivan, after the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, quickly expressed grave concerns about the Justice Department being weaponized against political opponents.

“Like so many Americans, I am very disturbed by the unprecedented raid executed by the FBI against a former president. The Department of Justice at the highest levels—the attorney general and the director of the FBI—needs to explain the reasons for another FBI raid that has the appearance of the justice system being weaponized against political opponents,” Sullivan said, after Trump’s home was raided.

Halcro and Murkowski have long political and familial ties. While serving together in the Alaska House of Representatives in the 1990s, they formed what they called a “bipartisan fiscal caucus” to propose state income taxes on Alaskans, or alternatively using the Permanent Fund earrings to run state government. The two are considered political friendlies. Halcro ran his family’s rental car business, had a failed run for governor, was co-owner and president of Great Northern Cannabis in downtown Anchorage, headed up the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, worked in a politically appointed position in the Mayor Ethan Berkowitz administration, and now runs a leftist political podcast for the Anchorage Daily News, in which he stays relevant by attacking conservatives.

Well since the FBI recovered highly classified top secret documents, after Trump denied having them, it seems pretty obvious that the raid was justified, Trump is going to jail.

Rick, if you believe everything you hear ……..then you will fall for anything. And it sounds like you do, ……bud.

Sounds like you already fell for it, hook, line, and the orange sinker.

Donald Trump once bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle Times Square and his followers would let him get away with it. He was referring to people like you Andy. It’s hard to imagine what more you need to see to realize Trump is a crook. First he took highly classified documents to Mar a Lago. Then he lfailed to return them after he was served with a subpoena. Then he wrote a letter saying he had no more classified documents. That conduct alone amounts to several felony offenses,

You really don’t know anything about the classification / declassification game, and all it took was a nicely staged photo of classified cover sheets on the floor to convince you. Thanks for playing, though.

Just in case you are wondering, the President, at the time Trump, is the ultimate classification authority. He doesn’t have to follow any procedures. He doesn’t have to ask permission. He doesn’t have to notify anyone anywhere. All he has to do is wave his hand, and the document / system / program is declassified. That’s all it takes.

Failure to understand this essentially puts the bureaucracy, in Trump’s case, a hostile intel community who participated in the Russia Collusion hoax in charge. And they aren’t, though there are a lot of people like you who think so. Cheers –

Right…. Just like Fauci, Biden, Obama, either Clinton, Pelosi, any Kennedy… Hell any Democrat…..they never get punished or go to jail, why should our guy?

DJT is guilty only of doing what every other President has done, so arrest them all or leave him alone. Go crack a nut, Rick

If a President states he has no classified documents then he has no classified documents since the President can declassify on the spot. You can thank Obama’s Executive Order 13526: President Obama Signs Executive Order Streamlining Declassification of Government Information. (Jan. 25, 2010) On December 29, 2009, President Barack Obama issued an executive order intended to allow researchers to gain access more quickly to formerly classified national security information.

Nepotism is never ok. Frank is unprincipled for appointing her and Lies A is worse for accepting the appointment. Shameful family.

The situation involving Ted Stevens’ home in Girdwood is entirely different from the FBI’s search of Donald Trump’s Mar A Lago home. In Florida, the FBI correctly took possession of government property and particularly sensitive intelligence information and reports AFTER Trump’s most recent lawyer pledged in writing that Trump had returned, months earlier, everything that he was not authorized to have in non-secure storage in his home.

BARB, so you think you can just waltz into the Trump home? Secret service is supposed to be guarding ex-presidents last I heard. Wouldn’t keeping trumps home secure, be part of that? I’ll hold judgment until the process has worked its self to a conclusion. Remember Trump being impeached for Russian collusion? We are finding out that the fbi was involved in cooking the books to make it appear that Trump was guilty, while all along he was not. Lisa meanwhile is as trustworthy as the fbi! The machines may be required to put lisa over the top in this upcoming election.

Halcro is a clueless rich kid (much like his friend Murkowski, now that I think about it) They know little about people who have to earn a living, but a lot about handing out $ to non-workers I can’t believe they call themselves Republicans.

Bill Allen & his oil workers totally screwed up the remodel of Sen Stevens house They were welders & roughnecks & Allen hurt his ‘friend’ w/ that failed remodel Cornerstone Construction, from ANC, had to go down there & straighten the mess out Cornerstone billed Mr. Stevens for all work done & the senator paid those bills. That’s why the Stevens was indignant about accusations that he had “free work” done He had paid receipts from Cornerstone & probably knew very little about what Allen did while “using” his place Senator Stevens real crime was establishing a friendship w that perverted, uneducated welder. imo.

Lisa, You should keep your mouth shut. You are not academic material. You must not engage in legal matters involving 4th Amendment issues and unwarranted raids on an ex-president’s personal home. This is way over your head. Remember, you barely got into law school. Thanks to Frankie’s pull, Willamette saved you the last seat. You barely got out of law school, with your poor grades. You flunked the state bar exam at least a half dozen times. Luckily, your bar preparation course that we paid dearly for furnished you the exam questions prior to the examination. You could hardly hang on to your state house seat. Frankie felt sorry for you and appointed you to his US Senate seat. I was never comfortable with that. You didn’t bow out gracefully when Joe Miller beat you in the Republican Primary. You and your Democrat friends resorted to election cheating in order to win. Now you have greatly embarrassed Frankie and I with your Left-wing rhetoric. When the Alaska Republican Party censured you, we lost all of our dear old friends. We had to move to Petersburg to escape all of the people we used to love. Why are you doing this to us and the Alaskans that you owed your early career to? We are supporting Kelly Tshibaka now. We want some peace and quiet and for you to shut up and go away. Go cry to your other parents, Nancy Pelosi and Brandon, your real daddy.

Well said, Nancy. After Kelly T wins, can we go back to Alaska and see our old friends?

I’ll even consider going back to work for a short while. All of this free living off the government and the Murkowski Bank has really made me fat and unhappy. I miss my old noodle stand.

Frankie and Nancy, We feel so sad for you. Raising an ungrateful daughter like Lisa must be absolute poison to your Alaska spirit.

But I don’t trust her, either.

The hallmark of a civil society is the peaceful transition of power. That includes not harassing the previous administration.

It’s not just Trump. The FBI has been going after everyone who worked for him, private citizens who have voiced support for him, even a stupid pillow maker.

Princess continues to be so butthurt she can’t see the bigger issues at play here. Or is showing her true colors. The FBI is become Joes Stasi. Seems she’s fine with it.

Were we supposed to trust the FBI and their fictitious steel dossier investigation? Once again Lisa doesn’t fail to put her foot in her mouth. People were wondering where she’s been and now she’s answered that question. She still in feinstein’s dog house. Ruff ruff

Trump had Top Secret stuff at his house. Why do you defend him? If the tables were turned, you’d be screaming for jail time. Law and Order, remember??

You don’t know what was there. All you know is what CNN tells you. If it did have a top secret stamp on it, at what date does that go out of expiration? Trump didn’t need a bunch of papers Mark top secret other than stuff to put in his library. Do you think he really needs some papers if he wants to sell some secrets to somebody? This is all been a scam, a way to keep the pressure on him so that he doesn’t run. They never give him a break from the two fictitious impeachments to now this. Once the clintons got beaten down by their own doing I might add, they simply weren’t worth going after anymore. But with Trump it’s personal. They want him battered and bloodied and barking like a mad chained up dog. They want him to suffer for throwing a chink in there Hillary Clinton plans. That’s it in a nutshell. But if they do try to convict him on this, I would recommend protecting yourself and your property.

Like the Laptop from Hell? It didn’t take a phony search warrant to recover that evidence. Go eff yourself, you old idiot.

Context still not your thing? Let me help.

Very little of what Trump is alleged to have or not have has been confirmed. Considering the FBIs history of political activism I don’t take anything at face value. Considering Comey’s stunt in 2016 helped cost Hilary the election, you shouldn’t either.

The FBI has very dirty hands here.

I defend him for several reasons. -the unprecedented attack on a former POTUS by a sitting on. -the FBI’s extremely dirty hands, especially under Garland. -same reason I defended Hilary. Gotta prove it. I didn’t care for her and think her as dirty as someone can be. But I want to believe in our system and the requirements of proving guilt. Therefore, defend Trump. Hell, I’d defend you under this umbrella. The concept is more important than the person. -after 2 impeachments and how many investigations the left has ginned up, nothing of significance has stuck. Why think this will? -I know a witch hunt when I see one.

More, I’m unclear of context. What, exactly, under law-not media opinion, is he accused of. Specifics matter. Further, how much of this is potentially accidental, an attempt at a process crime, is it really all it’s been made out to be. Plus, how far does precedent apply regarding past Presidents?

You want a very black/white show trial. This isn’t and shouldn’t be.

Presidents have a far greater power to view, hold, classify and declassify than exist in your philosophy, Horacio.

Lastly, in a very roundabout way I defend him because of what will come next. Unless your side stages a full blown coop, my side will return to power. If you push this, what waits for the Biden family will be beyond ugly. I could care less about Biden.

Personally I’d love to see him and Hunter so under a jail they never are heard from again. But I care about our system far more than I do a family of crooked perverts. We can survive Biden. We can’t survive a Stasi style judicial system.

Every time the left violates precedence to secure short term political gain, it ALWAYS bites you harder later.

Related: former CIA station chief Scott Uhelinger said in an interview the intelligence agencies are so woke the only fix is to fire everyone and start over

Anyone with an IQ over 50 and who has been paying attention, knows that the FBI and the DOJ have been thoroughly weaponized against Trump and the GOP by the Biden regime. Murkowski, with remarks like this proves that she is all in with the Biden regime, and is a traitor, being part of the corrupt regime bent on destroying our once great Republic…..

Lee Harvey Oswald, Branch Dividend WACO, Randy Weaver—Ruby Ridge, Tim McVeigh–- Michigan Militia—Oklahoma City, Blind Sheik—Stirring fetilizar—first twin tower bombing, Phony kidnapping of Michigan Governor—Blame right wing Extremist—2020, Ted Stevens———What did all these have in common——FBI involvement.

LaVoy Finicum? Clive Bundy? Russian Dossier? Mike Glover (now considered to be a terrorist … REALY?!?!)? Comey – Strzom – Page High Level of Integrity & Honesty? EPA raids Chicken(AK) Goldminers (08/2013)? Now, 87K new IRS Agents? … Given the US Agency track records, what could possibly go wrong and/or what injustice could possibly occur that would help build confidence of any potential distrust?

Both Murkowski and Halcro are ” carbuncles on the a__ of humanity”

You left out the word “festering.” Cheers –

The BATF and FBI are terrorist organizations controlled by democrats. They murdered those folks in Waco Texas, Sammy Weaver and his mother Vickie, while She held Her baby in Her arms, and then, the next day they made fun of Her, asking what She was having for breakfast. The shooter was Lon Horiuchi, FBI sniper, the shot was 100 yards. Never forget, and never talk to those demons, they will frame you, just like Ted Stevens, Mike Flynn, and Martha Stuart. They ask obscure questions, and then charge you with “ lying”. NEVER talk to them, NEVER answer their questions! Get a lawyer.

They didn’t frame Martha Stewart. She was guilty as hell. Plus she’s a Democrat. Are you not saying that they kill their own kind, eat their own babies?

I was replying to Citizenkane, not Forkner.

Why would we take advice from someone who ran as a conservative but now shows her true colors as a leftist????

Shut up, Princess Traitor Lisa, just shut up. We all know that you are a blind and loyal mouthpiece, and diehard quisling, for the ruling class and establishment power structure — there is no need for you to prove it once again.

Lisa Murkowski is a Grade A Fascist who believes conservatives are sub human. She literally makes me nauseous.

The FBI is a stain of what it once was, now a corrupt, rotting agency hell bent on advancing the crooked schemes of Obama, Hillary and the puppet, they are a disgrace to this country.

Could you imagine the outcry if the fbi raided the clintons or obamas while Trump was President? The hypocrisy is unreal. Murkowski is disgusting.

The fbi needs to be abolished. Fbi has failed to stop every major terrorist event starting with 9/11.

If the next Senate splits 49 Democrat to 51 Republican, and – *shudder* – murky wins again, I expect her to jump ship and join the Democrats to give them the majority (with the VP as tie-breaker) and control of the Senate.

She’s only in it for herself.

What a dumb, dangerous & naive statement from Murkowski! She would obviously not be very effective in stopping the political weaponization of Federal bureaucracies that is becoming endemic in Washington, DC. The Republic is in grave danger from these unelected bureaucrats.

Murkowski despises former President Trump. Also well known that former President Trump strongly dislikes Murkowski. Murkowski is one of Pelosi’s sheepherders, always has been and will be. Time for Alaskans to make a change this election to replace Murkowski in the Senate. Alaskans also need to overturn Choice Voting

“Voters should trust FBI decision” … Right – because they got it so right on Russia collusion???

Trump was given plenty of time to return the documents. He didn’t. The FBI searched his house and took them. Like Bill Barr said, the documents were not his to take.

Maybe maybe not. That’s all yet to be proven. If so, maybe he thought he had it coming to him for everything that crooked FBI and Hillary and Mueller and pelosi put him through. Do you think this country owes Trump anything for putting him through all that needlessly? I think we owe him carte blanche.

That has yet to be determined. Trump, not Barr, was the ultimate decider on classified material.

If Trump had some highly secret documents in his possession, do you think he would keep them at his home? No, he’d have them stashed somewhere far away. If the FBI did find something we would have known it. This is just a stunt they can ride through elections and gives CNN something to report on as they have nothing else to do.

One question which the media and the left refuses to answer.

If the FBI was so damned concerned, why didn’t they take them when they visited earlier? All the FBI did was request a better lock.

Answer? Garland sent them on a fishing expedition to set this up.

This is the part where Lying Lisa* actually is truthful. …………………………………………………………………………. “I’m talking about people who, before they knew a single thing, before they knew what was coming out of the Mar-a-Lago, they had made a decision about whether or not the FBI was once again on a rampage to bring somebody down or whether or not, you know, Trump brought it upon himself,” she said. …………………………………………………………………………. “whether or not THE FBI WAS ONCE AGAIN ON A RAMPAGE TO BRING SOMEONE DOWN”

So, yes, Lisa. We don’t trust the FBI to protect the citizenry, because they are doing the complete opposite.

*I call her “Lying Lisa” because she promised to support the winner of the primary in 2010, which was Joe Miller. She spectacularly failed to do so and the State Supreme Court allowed any write-in that had an “M” in it to count for the murky one.

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